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/ Kursdetails

A201903 Englisch "Very short short stories" B2/C1 Britische, amerikanische und australische Kurzgeschichten

Beginn Sa., 14.09.2024, 10:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Kursgebühr 72,48 € (ermäßigbar)
Dauer 2 Termine
Status Plätze frei
Bemerkungen Lektüre wird von der Lehrkraft zur Verfügung gestellt.

Very short stories sind Geschichten, die nach der "Eisbergmethode" funktionieren: Diese sind Geschichten, die rhetorisch und erzähltechnisch so dich, dass sie erst intuitiv und danach erst analytisch erfassbar sind. Die Leserin, der Leser gelangen erst "unter" die Oberfläche. Thurber. Pinter, Joyce, O´Henry, Roald Dahl arbeiten mit dieser Methode. Lassen Sie - lassen Sie sich einfach überraschen. Dozent Alan Harley wird die Literatur zur Verfügung stellen.

The roots of the short story can be traced to the the latter part of the 19th century but it really flourished in the 20th century to accomodate the need for shortness as the speed of daily life increased. They first appeared in newspapers, mostly in the USA, and could be read in one reading, for example on the way to and from work. They soon took on a form and character reflecting developments, conditions and events of a fast changing world. There were new themes of course, but how to present them?
In the seminar we will look at how the short stories of Britain and America deal with plot, characterization, mood etc. Particularly rhetorical means play an even more important role in the very short short stories, which aim to give precise, matter-of-fact, sometimes even `photograghic` presentations of incidents with very little plot, and on the other hand to give the reader the opportunity to judge for himself by looking behind the scenes, behind the words, between the lines (intensive reading).



Brückstr. 1
41460 Neuss


10:00 - 16:15 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21
10:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21

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