VHS - Präventionsmaßnahmen wegen der Corona-Epidemie

Stand: 13.03.2020. 12:30 Uhr

Nach einer Risikoeinschätzung in Bezug auf das Corona-Virus hat Frau Dr. Zangs, Beigeordnete der Stadt Neuss, in Abstimmung mit der VHS und dem Krisenstab der Stadt Neuss entschieden, dass die meisten Veranstaltungen der VHS planmäßig stattfinden können. Welche Veranstaltungen wir aus Gründen der Prävention absagen, veröffentlichen wir an dieser Stelle.

Wir werden uns bemühen, möglichst viele abgesagte Veranstaltungen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachzuholen.

Wir bitten alle Teilnehmenden, Lehrkräfte und Mitarbeitenden die Hinweise des Bundesamts für gesundheitliche Aufklärung und des Robert-Koch-Instituts zu beachten.

Wir danken Ihnen für das gute Miteinander im RomaNEum.

Gesund sein und gesund bleiben.

/ Kursdetails

Veranstaltung "Englisch "The Crime and Mystery Book Club"" (Nr. Z201901) wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt.

Z201901 Englisch "The Crime and Mystery Book Club"

Beginn Sa., 17.02.2024, 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Kursgebühr 60,40 € (ermäßigbar)
Dauer 5 Termine
Status Anmeldung möglich
Bemerkungen Lektüre wird noch bekanntgegeben

Für Krimifans und Leseratten, die vielleicht mal im "O-Ton" lesen möchten!
Der Kurs trifft sich ganz entspannt einmal im Monat im RomaNEum und dann wird diskutiert - in English of course! Einfach anmelden und mitmachen!

Book-List: Crime and Mystery Book Club, 1/2024

February: Agatha Christie: A Caribbean Mystery. - ISBN: 978 – 0008196608
There is no rest or relaxation for Miss Marple. Agatha Christie's most appealing sleuth returns in this classic baffler of a vacation-turned-deadly.
Nephew Raymond West has given his favourite aunt a vacation at a beautiful resort in the Caribbean. While there she encounters an old wind-bag. One of his stories is about meeting a murderer. He has a snapshot. Suddenly he hesitates, and gets flustered. By the next morning he is dead, seemingly of natural causes. Miss Marple has doubts.
And well she should.

March: Graham Norton: Holding. - ISBN: 978 – 1444791983
A quiet Irish town is rocked by the discovery of a body.
Human remains are found buried at a construction site in Duneen, Ireland, propelling the bored Sgt. PJ Collins into bumbling, earnest action. Questions immediately arise as to whether the body might belong to Tommy Burke, who was thought to have run off to England two decades ago. PJ doesn't have much experience with women—"he had managed to get through decades of adulthood without emotional attachment"—and somehow his work on the case leads him to quickly develop inappropriate relationships with Evelyn Ross and Brid Riordan, two women who had once fought over Tommy. As the investigation continues, these women and their families are forced to confront long-buried secrets and betrayals. […] A bright, quick-paced novel, especially inviting because of its tongue-in-cheek wit. (Kirkus Reviews)

April: Ann Cleeves: Wild Fire. - ISBN: 978 – 1529050257
Wild Fire is the much-anticipated final entry in Ann Cleeves's beloved Shetland Island series, which is now a major television triumph starring Douglas Henshall.
When the Flemings - designer Helena and architect Daniel - move into a remote community in the north of Shetland, they think it's a fresh start for themselves and their children.
But their arrival triggers resentment, and Helena begins to receive small drawings of a gallows and a hanged man. Gossip spreads like wildfire.
A story of dysfunctional families and fractured relationships, Inspector Jimmy Perez's eighth case will intrigue series fans and Shetland Island newcomers alike.

May: Claire Douglas: The girls who disappeared
ISBN: 978 – 1405951180
Three girls are missing.
Twenty years ago: One rainy night, Olivia Rutherford is driving three friends home when a figure in the road causes her to swerve and crash. Regaining consciousness, she finds herself alone in the car - her friends have vanished.
They are never seen again.
Now: Journalist Jenna Halliday visits the close-knit community of Stafferbury to persuade Olivia to talk and solve the mystery of the girls' disappearance. But Olivia won't speak.
What happened? Is Olivia hiding something? Why are the people of Stafferbury so frightened? How many secrets can one small town hide?

June: Edmund Crispin: The Moving Toyshop.
ISBN: 978 – 0008124120
Famous poet Richard Cadogan takes an impromptu holiday to Oxford, where he studied at the university, after growing bored with the literary life in the suburbs. After finding himself in a high street, in the middle of the night and with no place to stay, he stumbles across a shop with its awning still up. Closer inspection reveals it to be a toyshop, and on finding the door unlocked, curiosity leads Cadogan inside, then up a flight of stairs to a flat where he finds the murdered body of an elderly woman, before being knocked unconscious. He wakes up the next morning in a supply closet, but after escaping and bringing back the police, the toyshop is no longer there, replaced, it seems, with a grocer's.

Der Kurs liegt bereits im Warenkorb



Brückstr. 1
41460 Neuss


11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21
11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21
11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21
11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21
11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
Brückstr. 1, Romaneum, Raum 1.21

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